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JOIN THE Vote By Mail letter writing campaign for Pennsylvania!

PA Vote by Mail Registration Letter Writing Campaign

JOIN THE Vote By Mail letter writing campaign for Pennsylvania!

Send Democrats in Pennsylvania a Vote by Mail application (VBM) with a return envelope so voters can easily fill them out and pop them in the mail.  

Year after year, a ton of Democrats intend to vote on Election Day and then can't due to issues that pop up, such as childcare, jobs, long lines at the polls, outright voter suppression (purged voter rolls, etc).  Now we also need to worry about reduced turn out due to Covid.  

Every PA Democrat who signs up means a vote for Biden, but also early VBM ballots allow the Get Out The Vote army of phone bankers, texters, and door knockers to hyper-focus on people who haven’t voted (because they can track who has mailed in their ballots.)  So, we are “stockpiling” votes and supercharging our Ground Game.

This is the first year PA has allowed Vote by Mail and it’s the only way to vote early in PA.  In a recent experiment using these letters we are writing, 37% of recipients returned the VBM and voted as compared to a 1% increase with other methods.  Early voting is a huge help because it gives us 6 weeks to rally our voters, rather than it all coming down to Nov 3. 

This letter writing campaign was covered in POLITICO“The most striking example is Pennsylvania, where nearly 175,000 Democrats who sat out the last race have requested [vote by mail] ballots, more than double the number of Republicans.”  And… these numbers "provide a window into Democratic enthusiasm ahead of the election.”

We send a printed letter which we personalize with the voter’s name, a few handwritten lines (given to us) about voting, and our signature plus a Vote by Mail application plus an addressed return envelope.  It takes about 2 hours to do a batch of 50. 

Materials you will need to send 50 VBM letters (all in, it takes about 2 hours):

  • Target Voter List: we email you (batches of 50)

  • Letters: a form letter to print yourself (50)

  • VBM applications: print 50 

  • Envelopes (1 for outer + 1 for return envelope): buy 100

  • Stamps: $0.55 stamps for each letter – buy 50

Participation Form

If you would like to participate in the PA Vote by Mail Registration Letter Writing Campaign, please complete and submit the form HERE